Scottie is a 35 lb 6 month old male Shepherd mix. Due to his precious spotted tongue, we suspect he has some chow in him. His build and movement are  parallel to the most elite and graceful of German Shepherds. Honestly, just look at those ears! They are just too much! His coat and tongue look just like the cuddliest of Chows. Scottie is wonderful with all animals and people, making him cat, dog (esp loves little dogs), and kid friendly. Scottie is so sweet and lost. His family surrendered him when his human moved into an apartment that does not allow dogs. A family member kept his shih tzu brother but did not want him. Unfortunately, if we did not commit to him, he was shelter bound. So now, Scottie is now in boarding and cries himself to sleep. It is so so heart breaking. When we come to visit him, Scottie sticks out his tongue as far as he can and does an Irish jig! Strange right? Being that he is German and Chinese, not Irish! Scottie is dying to be someone’s best friend again. Our hearts ache for him. Wont you help him find that forever home he dreams of?

If interested in fostering or adopting Scottie, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!***

  • Name: Scottie
  • Age: 6 months
  • Loves: Dogs, cats, kids
  • Health: Neutered, vaccinated, and chipped