Meet big and beautiful hippo Tara. She is an 8 year old 115 lb mastiff that has more love that her voluptuous body can handle! Literally, when she wiggles with joy, the wiggle goes on, and on, and on. When we rescued her from the kill list at the shelter, this girl was underweight and lost. Tara literally would sit and cry when anyone would leave her, even if she knew them for a quick moment. She literally sounded like a baby who lost everything she ever knew. With time and love in her foster home, Tara learned to trust people again. She blossomed! Tara ADORES other dogs, big and small, which is great because most dogs are smaller than her. 

While she is a senior, age is just a number. Not only is she completely healthy, but she is determined to make every moment of her new life count. Tara loves to play with her toys, other dogs, and humans. Those jowls and face have an endless supply of kisses to match. 

We are unsure of her life before the shelter, but we could tell she was often, if not always, alone, kept outside, and over bred. She also has a burn scar down her chest. Truly, her former life was one of horror and devastation.You can see her maternal spirit blossom when she is with kids and other dogs. Her patience, gentle nature, and love is unparalleled. She understands other dogs do not appreciate her size or exuberance, and respects it. With little and/or young ones, she is patient and nurturing. 

Tara would be a perfect addition into any home- she would love to have human and/or canine siblings to love and play with. She is housebroken, trustworthy, great in the car, and eager to please!

If interested in fostering or adopting or fostering Tara, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**


  • Name: Tara
  • Age: 8 years old
  • Loves Dogs, kids, playtime, kisses
  • Health: vaccinated, chipped, spayed