Layla is a 1 year old 45lb petite black princess. She’s full of love, class, and spunk. Layla also has an impeccable sense of humor! She loves water and prances after a sprinkler or water hose with the biggest ear to ear smile! Layla is also a big fan of spa days and enjoys a nice relaxing bath! Rose petals and shower cap, anyone? Shes truly the perfect pup. 

Layla would love a home with older children she can cover in smooches, cuddle, run, and play with. While she adores other dogs and would thrive with a dog companion, she would also be happy as an only pet. Either works for this girl! Along with enjoying the sunshine, running, and affection, Layla also loves long walks. She is also the perfect work from home companion, happily content chomping on a benebone during your zoom calls. 

Layla is house broken, crate trained, great in the car, and loves everyone she meets! She is always ready to play and tumble. Athletic, brilliant, sweet, and animated, our Layla girl is just a fun spark plug! She knows basic commands and cant wait to show them off to you! 

We rescued Layla from the city shelter. She was a stray in pretty terrible condition, thin and missing all of the hair on her body. Her former humans found her at the shelter and left her there. Just heartbreaking! She is completely healthy and ready for her forever home! 

If interested in adopting Layla, please complete an application, which can be found on our website at Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails. So, if you don’t hear back from us, please follow up.

  • Name: Layla
  • Age: 1 years old
  • Likes: dogs, people, water, playtime
  • Health: spayed, vaccinated, chipped