Shawn is a 4 year old 15 lb carin terrier boy who came to us from the city shelter. This boy had a terrible life before rescue. Whatever the abuse he suffered before, led to blunt force trauma and scarred his eye. After that event, he is blind in that eye. However, he sees perfectly out of the other. This never dampened his spirit or held him back. Shawn has nothing but love and kisses to give anyone that meets him. 

His road was not an easy one. When he first met his foster mother, Shawn was fearful and timid. After some tender loving care, he came out of his shell and flourished. Once he felt the true meaning of love, he could not get enough and was eager to please. He quickly learns commands and potty trained at record speed! This boy is unstoppable! The only thing this little Irish boy asks is that he is the only pet in the home. Shawn is so happy to know the true meaning of human kindness and does not care to share it with other animals anymore. However, he is happy to share it with humans. There is plenty of Shawn to go around to people! He will lap surf all day and night! Kiss Shawn! He’s one lucky boy!!!

If interested in adopting or fostering Shawn, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**

  • Name: Shawn
  • Age: 4 years old
  • Loves: Kisses, cuddling, playing
  • Health: Neutered, vaccinated, chipped