Shirley is our little vision impaired, 22 lb, 12 year old princess. She is currently in our medical foster care/fospice program. However, if the right person is interested in adopting, it would be beautiful to give her a forever home for the rest of her days. Princess Shirley is sweet and affectionate, while also aloof with strangers. She will follow her human everywhere, who doesnt enjoy some company while brushing their teeth? While she can be a shadow, she is not overly affectionate, so you can still have your facials done by a human professional or your other dog (if you have one!) Shirley does like other dogs, but can take or leave them. She gets along very well with her foster siblings, but would be equally happy as the only pup. She is also indifferent/friendly with cats
We rescued Shirley from the city shelter, where she was known as Loofah. She arrived there as a stray. When she came to us, she entered medical foster care because of a large mass on her side that required a biopsy and surgery. Poor Shirley was so uncomfortable and constantly tried to lick/scratch the mass. Shirley also had a generalized infection on her skin that was causing a lot of pain. The cause was undetermined and, thankfully antibiotics cleared it right up. Sadly, just after getting over this infection, she had an episode of severe vomiting, lethargy, and weakness. We rushed her to the emergency room and no one knew what was bothering our girl. We ruled out stomach upset, food and medication sensitivities, and separation anxiety. Throughout all her hardships, Shirley remained calm and sweet, easy to handle, tolerated all vetting- which included waiting five hours in an ER. Shirley is feeling better now, thanks to her foster and medical team.
Wherever she goes, Shirley asks to be able to go outside often. She does need to go out every few hours, and could not withstand an 8 hour day. Work from home? GREAT! Able to run home for lunch or have dog walker? Fabulous!
Shirley appreciates anything you do for her. She loves her meal time and daily walks with the other dogs. A very easy going older lady, she sleeps a lot. Shirley prefers the dog bed over the furniture and always wants to be in the same room as you.
If interested in adopting, fostering, or sponsoring Shirley, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, if you do not hear from us, please follow up!